Berries And Cream Tiktok Lyrics

About the song: Berries And Cream Tiktok Lyrics is written and sung by Sabby Sousa. The title of the song is CREAM N’ FROSTING.

Berries And Cream Tiktok Lyrics

A little lad who loves
Berries and cream
Up the octave go for it

Berries and berries and cream
Berries and cream i’m a little lad who loves
Berries and cream up the octave go for it
Berries and berries and cream

A little lad who loves
Berries and cream
Up the octave go for it

Berries and berries and cream
Berries and cream i’m a little lad who loves
Berries and cream up the octave go for it
Berries and berries and cream

A little lad who loves
Berries and cream
Up the octave go for it

Berries and berries and cream
Berries and cream i’m a little lad who loves
Berries and cream up the octave go for it
Berries and berries and cream

A little lad who loves
Berries and cream
Up the octave go for it

Berries and berries and cream
Berries and cream i’m a little lad who loves
Berries and cream up the octave go for it
Berries and berries and cream


This is the end of Berries And Cream Tiktok Lyrics. If any query, leave us a comment.