If Imma Be Sad Imma Do It With Pizzazz Lyrics

About the song: If Imma Be Sad Imma Do It With Pizzazz Lyrics is written and sung by Akintoye. The title of the song is Pizzazz.

If Imma Be Sad Imma Do It With Pizzazz Lyrics

Are you okay, like really
I’m finei if imma be sad
Imma do it with pizzazzi

Are you okay, like really
I’m finei if imma be sad
Imma do it with pizzazzi

Are you okay, like really
I’m finei if imma be sad
Imma do it with pizzazzi

Are you okay, like really
I’m finei if imma be sad
Imma do it with pizzazzi

Are you okay, like really
I’m finei if imma be sad
Imma do it with pizzazzi

Are you okay, like really
I’m finei if imma be sad
Imma do it with pizzazzi


This is the end of If Imma Be Sad Imma Do It With Pizzazz Lyrics. If any query, leave us a comment.