Lyrics Alcoba Azul Elliot Goldenthal

About the song: Lyrics Alcoba Azul Elliot Goldenthal is written and sung by Elliot Goldenthal. The title of the song is Alcoba Azul.

Lyrics Alcoba Azul Elliot Goldenthal

La noche ira sin prisa de nostalgia

Habrá de ser un tango nuestra herida

Un acordeón sangriento nuestas almas

Seremos esta noche todo el día

Vuelve a mí
Ámame sin luz
En nuestra alcoba azul

Donde no hubo sol para nosotros

Mata mi corazón
En nuestra alcoba azul

Mi Amor

English Translation

The night will go slowly with nostalgia
Our wound will have to be a tango
A bloody accordion our souls

We’ll be tonight all day
Back to me
love me without light

In our blue bedroom
Where there was no sun for us
blind me

kill my heart
In our blue bedroom

My love


This is the end of Lyrics Alcoba Azul Elliot Goldenthal. If any query, leave us a comment.