Zindagi Sarara Motor Gadi Ma Lyrics

About the song: Zindagi Sarara Motor Gadi Ma Lyrics is written and sung by Sushant Ghimire. The title of the song is Motor Gadi.

Zindagi Sarara Motor Gadi Ma Lyrics

Jindagi Sarara Motar Gadi Ma
Jindagi Sarara Motar Gadi Ma
Dekhne Le Dekhi Jancha
Bujhne Le Buji Janchha
Vetne Le Veti Jancha Ni
Dekhne Le Dekhi Jancha
Bujhne Le Buji Janchha
Vetne Le Veti Jancha Ni


This is the end of Zindagi Sarara Motor Gadi Ma Lyrics. If any query, leave us a comment.